If you’re planning to remodel your RV, I’m sure the kitchen is on the list. For most of us traveling in RVs and campers, the kitchen is basically in the same space as the living room so it is important for it to look nice. In this article, I’ll share the changes we made to the kitchen in our Fifth Wheel, as well as ideas from others.
Easy RV Kitchen Remodel Ideas
For most tiny RV kitchens, the backsplash becomes the focal point and ours was no exception. I had been considering what to do with mine for some time. One idea that was done really well by RV owner Barbara Rodriguez is using Smart Tiles.

My Backsplash
I was trying to decide which color to get when I saw my friend, Lisa Brown’s backsplash and fell in love! Click here to see it as well as a step-by-step guide on how she created it. I followed her lead and painted thermoplastic panels from Home Depot. Watch this video to see how it looks in the kitchen.
I just love the cozy farmhouse style of Mountain Modern Life’s RV kitchen!

One of the things they did to achieve this look was to build custom countertops out of flooring. They completed this upgrade in 2016, so I recently asked Katie how the countertops held up over time. She replied, “We are still really happy with our kitchen counters! My only recommendation would be to go with a higher grade of flooring. We went with the cheapest and while it’s held up okay, it would have been easier when putting it together and I feel like the higher grade was smoother. Also, we do need to re-oil the counters every 6 months since we sealed them with Tung Oil. Of course, it can be sealed with something other than tung oil–it’s just important not to let water or condensation sit on the wood counters.” Watch the video below to learn more about this project.
And check out these faux marble countertops from Gypsy and A Pirate!
I painted over the wallpaper in my RV kitchen and painted the backsplash (as you can see in the video). Many folks also choose to paint their cabinets. If you decide to go that route, click here to read 9 Tips for Painting RV Walls and Cabinets from RV Inspiration. You can also get a free Quick Start Guide to Painting Your RV Interior using the same link.
We all know that one of the best ways to make your RV look good is to keep it organized. I was fortunate that my RV came with a built-in spice rack. To make it look a little more polished, I just purchased matching spice jars and put all my spices into them for a more uniform look.
If you don’t have a built-in spice rack, consider following this tutorial to make your own magnetic spice wall from RV Inspiration. Here’s a photo of the finished product.

Need Help? No Problem!
I’ll be the first to admit that decorating is not my strong suit. That’s where friends and Pinterest come in handy.
I’m really fortunate that I was able to spend time at the same campground as my friend, Lisa Brown of Always on Liberty. She recently completed the most amazing Interior Makeover of her RV and agreed to be my design consultant.
Another great place to find inspiration for your RV remodeling efforts is Pinterest. I created an RV decor board to help me keep track of things I like. There are many great tutorials that provide step-by-step ins instructions on Pinterest as well.
Finally, another terrific resource is a website called RV Inspiration. It is full of ideas and projects to help organize, decorate, and renovate your RV (motorhome, Fifth Wheel, travel trailer).
Have You Seen The Rest Of Our Remodel?
Click the links below to watch our progress.
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