Last updated on January 26th, 2024 at 04:56 pm
As you know from our previous blog posts, we are on a quest to be debt free. We’ve been working our financial program pretty hard and are always eager to talk to others about it.
Budgeting For Your Dreams
The key to saving money is mindful spending. To us, this means budgeting. And not just listing expenses, but using an app called Every Dollar and allocating a category to every single penny of your income. By doing this, I was able to cut back significantly on impulse spending.
Paying Off Debt
No matter how well you budget, if you carry debt you will never achieve your dream of financial freedom. Click here to read how we paid off over $139,000 in just two years while traveling full-time.
Full-Time RV Finance
We wrote a book, Full-Time RV Finance to help you understand all the financial aspects to full-time RV life so that you can enjoy your life on the road. We cover how to budget, create a personal financial plan, earn money, and save money while RVing full-time.

We’ve written the following posts that you might be interested in:
- How Much Does it Cost to Full-Time RV. In this post we share our monthly expenses to help you understand exactly how much it costs for us to travel full-time in our RV. We also explain all the variables to help you establish your own RV travel budget, and provide free budget worksheets you can download.
- 7 Ways to Save on Full-Time Travel. We share exactly how we’ve afforded to travel so much in this post. There’s tips for saving on campgrounds, reducing fuel usage, and more!
- 5 Way to Fund Full-Time Travel. We share how we earn an income on the road. We also interviewed other full-time travelers and share their methods with you here as well.
- Full-Time RV Finance. We’ve also expanded on these articles in a book, Full-Time RV Finance available on Amazon. From the RV purchase to making and saving money on the road, we cover all aspects of full-time RV Finance.